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Interested in an Executive or Councillor position?

Executive and Councillors Election opens every March, concurrently with the Students’ Union Council and General Faculties Council elections. Executive and Councillors By-Election opens every October. 

Process: Interested members should follow instructions in this application package





Deadlines: Application packages can be submitted electronically to by Tuesday, March 12th at 5:00pm


Elections: The official 2024 Election dates are Wednesday, March 20th and Thursday, March 21st, 2024

Meet the 2024 Election candidates

Pedro Ribeiro Lopes Pinto de Almedia

Hi fellow science students, my name is Pedro, I am a fourth year student in Immunology and Infection. I am hoping to have the chance to represent you next year as the President of ISSS, and continue some of the work I have done in the UASU. For the past few months, I have been advocating to the University through the role of Vice-President (Academic) of the University of Alberta Students' Union for improvements to the student experience, from issues with the Code of Student Behaviour, to syllabus access and even access to buildings after hours.


I am hoping to bring my experience into the role of ISSS President, to make some meaningful change in the science student experience, both in relation to student life and academics, by advocating to our Faculty Council on things such as lecture recordings and class flexibility, and by improving ISSS' engagement with students!


If this resonates with you, please vote Pedro for President on March 20th and 21st


2024 Election Results


President: Pedro Almedia with 270 first place votes


VPAF: Sarjana Alam with 265 first place votes


VPA: Christene Saji with 251 first place votes


VPC: Parinika Pal with 169 first place votes (in the third round)


VPS: Shreya Mulpuri with 259 first place votes


VPP: Dawood Ahmed with 264 first place votes


2nd Year Councillors: Amy Wang and Joy Cao 


3rd Year Councillor: Karina Banerji with 89 first place votes

Find Us

CCIS 1-150, University of Alberta

Monday-Friday | 9am-4pm 

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© The Interdepartmental Science Students' Society 

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