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Council of Science Student Association

The Council of Science Student Association (COSSA) is a collective of science related student groups that are composed primarily of students within the Faculty of Science. These groups include program and departmental associations. The objective of ISSS is to provide COSSA groups with the resources these groups need in order to ensure future success in pursuing future aspirations, in addition to hearing and fulfilling each groups needs.

​Questions? Want to register your student group? Email


Check out this year's registered COSSA groups below!

  • Ada’s Team is a student group based in the Department of Computing Science and our goal is to promote diversity in STEAM, with an emphasis on technology. We offer various initiatives and resources such as free tutoring/mentorship, scholarships/ conference funding, workshops, and industry experience. We welcome and advocate for people of all genders, races, ethnicities, religions, abilities, sexualities, social classes, and any other minority groups; we want to create a safer space here at the University of Alberta. 

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    We are a group of biochemistry students and enthusiasts who bond through our shared interest and provide academic and early career support for our members. We also hold information sessions about tutoring groups and lab tours to help students understand what biochemistry is all about. We provide a space to foster close friendships and opportunities to get to know the Department. We also provide access to a study and lunchroom in the Medical Sciences Building!

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    The Biomedical Research Interest Club (BRIC) was founded to connect students interested in any and all aspects of research in the health sciences. BRIC aims to facilitate a wide range of events, including networking and educational events, and social get-togethers to allow us to act as a conduit that introduces students to the opportunities that research can present. Research is an exciting component of the academic experience and we are excited to foster a group of likeminded students!

  • The Chemistry Students' Association (CSA) is led by a group of dedicated undergraduate students who work to connect and represent undergraduate chemistry students at the University of Alberta. The CSA hosts a variety of events throughout the year, including Meet the Prof Night, Research Night, Trivia night, and many more! Our goal is to provide undergraduate chemistry students with opportunities that will benefit them now and in their future careers. You can find us in CHEM E3-15 in the Gunning/Lemieux Chemistry Centre on Main Campus!

    Instagram @chemsauofa

  • Eureka Undergraduate Science Journal is a student-led journal based out of the University of Alberta, funded primarily by ISSS. This journal offers undergraduate scientists across Canada the unique opportunity to share their discoveries with the scientific world. Our mission is to support and promote quality, peer-reviewed research and editorial/review pieces by undergraduate scientists, and inspire young researchers to continue in their field. Eureka hosts an annual research symposium where students can showcase their work, as well as cover photo contests, student researcher spotlights, and other opportunities to engage with the journal. Questions can be directed to

  • The Geography And Planning Students’ Society (GAPSS) advocates and supports students in the Human Geography and Planning programs at the University of Alberta, or students interested in issues surrounding Human Geography and Planning. GAPSS strives to create a welcoming community for students to explore planning issues and create relationships through social events, knowledge functions, and information sessions.

  • The purpose of DSC will be to impact and empower students through understanding, using, and reflecting on technology. The DSC will host information sessions, hands-on workshops, and student-community collaborative projects centered around the latest and greatest in technology, all with the support of Google and Google Developers. The DSC will enhance the educational, recreational, social, or cultural environment of The University of Alberta by being inclusive to all students, transferring knowledge to students, forging closer relationships between students and local businesses in the community, and promoting diversity in the tech community.

  • Often, students may be required to be absent from school due to health-related issues. Others may not be able to access the resources they need to succeed due to socioeconomic reasons. Our mission is to help assist those in our community who do not have access to the resources they require for their education. We want to support all children who cannot attend school for some time or need extra help but are having difficulties finding the right resources or finances for that help. The resources we currently offer include free tutoring, educational videos to help facilitate learning, and weekly blog posts to guide all students on their academic journeys providing the support they may require.

  • The Immunology and Infection Students’ Association serves develop a cohesive and effectual network of Immunology and Infection students, university professors, and the academic and business worlds in general.
    Our group achieves this by hosting academic and social events, awareness campaigns about current issues regarding immunology and infection, as well as facilitating interactions between faculty and undergraduate students in the Immunology and Infection program. We hope to act as a source of valuable information for prospective, continuing, and interested students. 

  • The University of Alberta Mathematical Sciences Society aims to provide a welcoming, safe, and inclusive space for all students interested in the mathematical and statistical sciences to explore their interests, pursue their passions, and collaborate with their peers, regardless of their particular area of study. We encourage senior undergrads to act as mentors to those just beginning their post-secondary careers. Further, members of MSS are encouraged to think creatively about mathematics and explore topics outside the scope of undergraduate coursework.

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    NeuroReach is a student-led organization dedicated to fostering the development of the next generation of neuroscientists by exposing high school students to neuroscience and empowering them to pursue the field further. We aim to achieve this mission through a combination of inclusive outreach, neuroscience events, and competitions aimed at high school youth with a specific focus on high school youth from underrepresented groups. For instance, we aim to partner with youth centers and high schools in order to provide volunteers with speaking opportunities that will allow our group to engage youth within our communities, create accessible neuroscience events for high school students, and more. Join us as we work to immerse high school students in the wonderful world of neuroscience! 

  • The Neuroscience Students’ Association exists to foster the undergraduate Neuroscience community at the University of Alberta. We are your resource base for socials, research and volunteer opportunities, NSA merchandise, and academic contacts. Look out for our annual research mixer and lab tours with NMHI professors. Our members, and are striving to promote a strong and vibrant science community. 

  • Northern Lenses is a student organization committed to creating impactful short films that highlight pressing social issues both on campus and within our local community. If you have a passion for researching community concerns or an interest in filmmaking, we are always eager to welcome new perspectives! Additionally, we host a range of events—from bar nights to film screenings—aimed at building a close-knit and inclusive culture within our club.

  • The Organization of Botany Students is a University of Alberta student organization that has existed for over 40 years. We run as a Departmental Association within the Department of Biological Sciences and encourage botanical interests among undergraduate and graduate students. We run a variety of events including our biannual plant sales, plant growing workshops, herbarium Thursdays, and our Big Things Walk. We also host meetings, seminars, movie nights and a number of other events, as well as offering an undergraduate scholarship! The members of the club have a wide range of backgrounds from a variety of faculties. We welcome people to stop in at B-109 BSB.

  • Science FUNdamentals is a registered charity and student group that aims to enhance elementary science education using interactive demonstrations. We have activities from buoyancy/surface tension to genetics/human physiology. Become a classroom demonstrator or join one of our fabulous committees!

  • TeamUP Science is run by a team of passionate University of Alberta students. From STEAM-based competitions, to workshops, to classroom talks that take place in schools all across Alberta, the executive team of TeamUP Science plans, advertises, and host events that inspire youth in the fields of STEM.

  • The Molecular Cellular & Developmental Biology (MCDB) students' association aims to provide resources for students in the MCDB program. This includes social events to connect with fellow peers, guidance/mentorship programs, study groups, and providing up-to-date genetics news. The goal of this organization is to make resources available to students. 

  • The PSA intends on educating undergraduate students about the field of pharmacology, and career and learning opportunities available within the area of drug research and development. The PSA aims to foster a sense of community and involvement amongst undergraduate students within the Pharmacology Department.

  • Founded in 2005, the PMSA was created to provide the necessary information and support to students seeking a career in medicine. Our goal is to bridge the gaps between the interdisciplinary fields within medicine and truly foster the journey of all pre-medical students regardless of their pathways to a medical career. We provide events, seminars, and information throughout the academic year relating to medical/pharmacy/dental school admissions, undergraduate research opportunities, and tips for finding success in undergraduate/graduate studies. Our group is open to all students and strives to ensure that our resources are always cost-free and easily accessible. 

  • The P.S. Warren Geological Society stands to bring the EAS community together at the U of A. We organize mixers and other fun events with the hope that students, professors, and other faculty will get to know each other better. Whether you’re specializing in Geology or Environmental Earth Sciences, an EAS major or minor, or are simply interested in all things rocks, we’d love to have you as a member. Our clubroom is Tory 3-87 and we’d love to see you there sometime!

  • UA-WiSE (University of Alberta Women in Science and Engineering) is a student group that supports all undergraduate students underrepresented in fields including science, technology, engineering and mathematics.We plan events that focus on topics such as mentorship, networking, different careers in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) and the challenges of working in a non-traditional field.

  • We are the link between faculty and the student body, and are here to help you with all your CS (computing science) related concerns! We offer a range of services including locker rentals for the CSC (Computing Science Center), help in finding a tutor or answering questions you may have about courses, such as assignments, tests and what classes are like. Our office is located at CSC 1-40. Please come by and say hello! We’re a fun and chill space to hang out between classes, get advice, and make new friends!

  • An organization that welcomes undergraduate and graduate students with a keen interest in astronomy. Our group allows both astrophysics and non-astrophysics students to interact at various social and educational events. These functions include observing nights, study sessions, informal talks, and other fun formal and informal gatherings. Our goal is to improve members' campus experience by connecting them with like-minded people who love space! 

  • As a group, we want to provide services and events that improve the experience of students, both in classes and in research, and we want to foster a strong community where students feel supported and involved, and can make connections with other students.

  • The UPSA is dedicated to promoting unity and enthusiasm among current and prospective Honors Physiology students. We provide academic support in the form of seminars and peer assisted learning, coordinate lab tours for students to learn about the research of Physiology professors, and organize social events such undergraduate student mixers. 

  • We are a student group run by Psychology students, for Psychology students. We organize social and academic events, hold volunteer and career fairs, provide mentorship through our Peer Mentorship program, provide Departmental news through our newsletter, provide student discounts to local businesses, and advocate for Psychology students’ interests. 

  • UACTWS is the student chapter of The Wildlife Society, an international organization committed to addressing national and international issues that affect the current and future status of wildlife in North America. The UACTWS holds workshops, seminars, and provides hands-on learning opportunities for young wildlife professionals to expand their knowledge, skills, and networks.

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CCIS 1-150, University of Alberta

Monday-Friday | 9am-4pm 

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© The Interdepartmental Science Students' Society 

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